- Download Blazegraph here.
- Download RDF data here ; file called wikipathways-2021xx10-rdf-wp.zip .
- Start Blazgraph (make sure to remove old data, ending with .ttl and .jnl in folder where Blazegraph is downloaded):
Windows (through git bash, note that a adjusted properties file is needed to allow for large file formats.)
java -jar blazegraph.jar propertyFile (RWStore.properties)
Linux (from the command line)
java -jar blazegraph.jar
To write shorter SPARQL queries, prefixes can be used. In the WikiPathways SPARQL endpoint, several prefixes are loaded by default; in Blazegraph these need to be loaded before each query, and are listed here.
- Metabolic Conversions
SELECT DISTINCT ?interaction ?sourceDb ?targetDb ?mimtype ?pathway (str(?titleLit) as ?title) ?sourceCHEBI ?targetDbCHEBI ?sourceHMDB ?targetDbHMDB ?InteractionID WHERE { ?pathway a wp:Pathway ; wp:organismName "Homo sapiens"^^xsd:string ; dc:title ?titleLit . FILTER (EXISTS {?pathway wp:ontologyTag cur:AnalysisCollection} . FILTER EXISTS {?pathway wp:ontologyTag cur:Reactome_Approved}) . FILTER (EXISTS {?pathway wp:ontologyTag cur:LIPID_MAPS}) . ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway ; a wp:DirectedInteraction ; wp:source ?source ; wp:target ?target . OPTIONAL{?interaction a ?mimtype}. VALUES ?mimtype {wp:ComplexBinding wp:Conversion wp:Inhibition wp:Catalysis wp:Stimulation wp:TranscriptionTranslation wp:DirectedInteraction} . ?source a wp:Metabolite . ?source wp:bdbWikidata ?sourceDb . OPTIONAL{?source wp:bdbChEBI ?sourceCHEBI}. OPTIONAL{?source wp:bdbHmdb ?sourceHMDB}. ?target a wp:Metabolite . ?target wp:bdbWikidata ?targetDb . OPTIONAL{?target wp:bdbChEBI ?targetDbCHEBI}. OPTIONAL{?target wp:bdbHmdb ?targetDbHMDB}. OPTIONAL{?interaction wp:bdbRhea ?InteractionID} . } ORDER BY DESC(?InteractionID)
- Pathway Metadata
SELECT DISTINCT ?interaction ?sourceDb ?targetDb ?PWOnt ?DiseaseOnt ?curationstatus ?InteractionRef ?PWref ?sourceLit ?targetLit WHERE { ?pathway a wp:Pathway ; wp:organismName "Homo sapiens"^^xsd:string ; dc:title ?titleLit . ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway ; a wp:DirectedInteraction ; wp:source ?source ; wp:target ?target . ?source a wp:Metabolite . ?source wp:bdbWikidata ?sourceDb . ?target a wp:Metabolite . ?target wp:bdbWikidata ?targetDb . OPTIONAL{?pathway wp:pathwayOntologyTag ?PWOnt} . OPTIONAL{?pathway wp:diseaseOntologyTag ?DiseaseOnt} . OPTIONAL{?pathway wp:ontologyTag ?curationstatus} . OPTIONAL{?interaction dcterms:bibliographicCitation ?InteractionRef} . OPTIONAL{?pathway dcterms:references ?PWref} . OPTIONAL{?source dcterms:bibliographicCitation ?sourceLit} . OPTIONAL{?target dcterms:bibliographicCitation ?targetLit} . }
SELECT DISTINCT ?interaction ?sourceDb ?targetDb ?proteinDBWPs ?proteinName WHERE { ?pathway a wp:Pathway ; wp:ontologyTag cur:AnalysisCollection ; wp:organismName "Homo sapiens"^^xsd:string ; dc:title ?titleLit . ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway ; a wp:DirectedInteraction . wp:source ?source . wp:target ?target . ?source a wp:Metabolite . ?source wp:bdbWikidata ?sourceDb . ?target a wp:Metabolite . ?target wp:bdbWikidata ?targetDb . ?interactions2 dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway; a wp:Catalysis; wp:source ?sources2; wp:target ?interaction . OPTIONAL{?sources2 wp:bdbEnsembl ?proteinDBWPs}. OPTIONAL{?sources2 rdfs:label ?proteinName} .