1. Download Blazegraph here.
  2. Download RDF data here ; file called wikipathways-2021xx10-rdf-wp.zip .
  3. Start Blazgraph (make sure to remove old data, ending with .ttl and .jnl in folder where Blazegraph is downloaded):

Windows (through git bash, note that a adjusted properties file is needed to allow for large file formats.)

java -jar blazegraph.jar propertyFile (RWStore.properties)

Linux (from the command line)

java -jar blazegraph.jar

To write shorter SPARQL queries, prefixes can be used. In the WikiPathways SPARQL endpoint, several prefixes are loaded by default; in Blazegraph these need to be loaded before each query, and are listed here.


  1. Metabolic Conversions
    SELECT DISTINCT ?interaction ?sourceDb ?targetDb ?mimtype ?pathway (str(?titleLit) as ?title) ?sourceCHEBI ?targetDbCHEBI ?sourceHMDB ?targetDbHMDB ?InteractionID  WHERE {  
    ?pathway a wp:Pathway ;
                 wp:organismName "Homo sapiens"^^xsd:string ; 
          dc:title ?titleLit . 	
    FILTER (EXISTS {?pathway wp:ontologyTag cur:AnalysisCollection}  .
    FILTER EXISTS {?pathway wp:ontologyTag cur:Reactome_Approved}) .    
    FILTER (EXISTS {?pathway wp:ontologyTag cur:LIPID_MAPS}) .
    ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway ;			
             a wp:DirectedInteraction ;
     wp:source ?source ;
     wp:target ?target .  
    OPTIONAL{?interaction a ?mimtype}. 
    VALUES ?mimtype {wp:ComplexBinding wp:Conversion wp:Inhibition wp:Catalysis wp:Stimulation wp:TranscriptionTranslation wp:DirectedInteraction} .  
    ?source a wp:Metabolite . 
    ?source wp:bdbWikidata ?sourceDb . 
    OPTIONAL{?source wp:bdbChEBI ?sourceCHEBI}.
    OPTIONAL{?source wp:bdbHmdb ?sourceHMDB}.
    ?target a wp:Metabolite . 
    ?target wp:bdbWikidata ?targetDb . 
    OPTIONAL{?target wp:bdbChEBI ?targetDbCHEBI}. 
    OPTIONAL{?target wp:bdbHmdb ?targetDbHMDB}. 
    OPTIONAL{?interaction wp:bdbRhea ?InteractionID} .
    ORDER BY DESC(?InteractionID)
  2. Pathway Metadata
    SELECT DISTINCT ?interaction ?sourceDb ?targetDb ?PWOnt ?DiseaseOnt ?curationstatus ?InteractionRef ?PWref ?sourceLit ?targetLit WHERE {
    ?pathway a wp:Pathway ; 
                  wp:organismName "Homo sapiens"^^xsd:string ; 
                  dc:title ?titleLit . 
    ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway ; 
         a wp:DirectedInteraction ; 
         wp:source ?source ;
         wp:target ?target . 
    ?source a wp:Metabolite . 
    ?source wp:bdbWikidata ?sourceDb . 
    ?target a wp:Metabolite . 
    ?target wp:bdbWikidata ?targetDb . 
    OPTIONAL{?pathway wp:pathwayOntologyTag ?PWOnt} . 
    OPTIONAL{?pathway wp:diseaseOntologyTag ?DiseaseOnt} . 
    OPTIONAL{?pathway wp:ontologyTag ?curationstatus} . 
    OPTIONAL{?interaction dcterms:bibliographicCitation ?InteractionRef} . 
    OPTIONAL{?pathway dcterms:references ?PWref} . 
    OPTIONAL{?source dcterms:bibliographicCitation ?sourceLit} . 
    OPTIONAL{?target dcterms:bibliographicCitation ?targetLit} . 
  3. SELECT DISTINCT ?interaction ?sourceDb ?targetDb ?proteinDBWPs ?proteinName WHERE {  
    ?pathway a wp:Pathway ; 
            wp:ontologyTag cur:AnalysisCollection ;
            wp:organismName "Homo sapiens"^^xsd:string ; 
            dc:title ?titleLit . 
    ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway ;				
            a wp:DirectedInteraction .  
    wp:source ?source . 
    wp:target ?target .   
    ?source a wp:Metabolite . 
    ?source wp:bdbWikidata ?sourceDb . 
    ?target a wp:Metabolite . 
    ?target wp:bdbWikidata ?targetDb . 
    ?interactions2 dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway;
                       a wp:Catalysis; 
                      wp:source ?sources2;
                     wp:target ?interaction . 
    OPTIONAL{?sources2 wp:bdbEnsembl ?proteinDBWPs}.
    OPTIONAL{?sources2 rdfs:label ?proteinName} .