When testing (new) queries, one can use the browser or Eclipse.

Some thoughts on pros and cons (with examples at the bottom if applicable):


++ 1. Browser visualizes results automatically

++ 2. Browser has autocomplete for node/edge labels + properties

++ 3. Browser shows “query execution plan”

– 4. Browser can be quite slow in visualizing results of complex querie(s).

– 5. Browser timer is not that accurate


++ 6. Eclipse is fast in executing a query (without visualisation)

++ 7. Eclipses can time execution of queries very accurate

– 8. Obtaining results of Nodes with different properties needs quite some coding


  1. To change the visualization in the GUI, see the extensive (Neo4j documentation)[https://neo4j.com/developer/neo4j-browser/] and example below.


  1. A more complex query is the shortest path, especially when performed on a (large) set of Nodes. When executing shortest path, Neo4j can use two algorithms, a fast algorithm (bidirectional breadth-first search), or a much slower exhaustive depth-first search algorithm. Therefore it is important to plan how the shortest path is executed; calculating all paths for all nodes is computationally much more time consuming than only using a handful of nodes. Add the “EXPLAIN” term in front of a query, click run and in the result section on “plan” (see also image below). image